
Mrs. Laura Gray
 District Librarian

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Elementary Library Catalog

Jr./Sr. High School Library Catalog


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Elementary Library Databases

Jr./Sr. High School Library Databases

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About the HLCS Libraries

Welcome to the HLCS K-12 Library Website!  This site provides online resources that we hope will educate, engage, and empower our students, faculty & staff, and the community.

Library Class Information (Grades PreK-4)

Library classes meet every four days for forty-two minutes. These classes are designed to help children understand how to find books and use the library. During library class students will hear stories, learn about authors and literature, be taught how to respect books and other library materials, and will develop research and digital literacy skills.  Students will learn these research skills through the completion of a project, report, or an activity.

Students will be allowed to borrow one book per library session. Books are due the next Library Special (after four school days). If the books have been out of the library for two weeks, your child will bring a late notice home. There is no fine for late books. Books that are lost or damaged must be replaced (with a new book or money for the purchase of the book) before students can borrow another book.


General Library Information (Grades 5-12)

Students are welcome to visit the library and check out books during their free time. 7th-12th graders may also use the library for quiet work, research, and reading. All students must have passes to use the library facilities. Teachers may also bring their classes to the library for research, projects, or printing. Check out the library catalog to see the newest books and great websites for learning.

Happy Reading!

District Librarian:  Mrs. Laura Gray

Jr./Sr. High Teaching Assistant: Ms. Julia Young, TA

Elementary Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Marion Allan, TA